Between the tornadoes, severe storms and flooding, the American Red Cross has been busy this spring providing relief across Texas. Fortunately, officials say, a new warehouse in Arlington is helping make a difference.
Thursday morning marked the first time in days that the Red Cross' new Arlington warehouse was quiet. But manager Claire Tryon said the way this spring has gone, new requests for disaster relief supplies could come in at any moment.
"This has been a crazy season for us," said Tryon.
In the past week, her team has loaded and seven semis full of cleanup kits, cots, blankets, water, food and other items to send to multiple locations in Texas. Many of those supplies were distributed to storm victims in Van, Bridgeport and Runaway Bay.
"We can have it pulled and out of here within that 24-hour turnaround period," said Tryon. "Normally, sooner than that."
Because the warehouse is so big, 174,000 square feet to be exact, Red Cross volunteers can pre-pack supplies and have them ready to go when the trucks arrive.
Since relocating the warehouse from Mississippi to Arlington last August, they say those supplies are reaching disaster zones sooner.
The latest news from around North Texas.
"It's worked out fantastic with the warehouse here being so centrally located," said Dan Halyburton, a Red Cross volunteer.
Halyburton spent time on the ground this week in Runaway Bay, which was hit by a tornado. He said one could see how appreciative the people there were, getting those critical supplies so quickly.
"I saw yesterday a lot of people in areas where we would stop, working cleanup without gloves," said Halyburton. "Then we were very welcomed when the Red Cross showed up and handed out something as simple as working gloves."
The Arlington warehouse is the Red Cross' largest facility in the United States.