Keller ISD Middle School ‘Goes Green' to Support Teacher Battling Cancer

From the moment he got out of bed Thursday morning, all teacher Michael Shaw could think about was getting to Timberview Middle School.

It was the first day back for Keller ISD students following the holiday break and he was looking forward to seeing his co-workers and students.

When he walked into the school, it didn't take long for him to realize that they were just as excited to see him.

"To walk in and see all that green, all the kids, the hugs, the smiles -- it's been a bit overwhelming," said Shaw. "It makes me miss what I do."

About a year ago, Shaw was diagnosed with liver cancer and has been waiting for a liver transplant ever since. Because of his condition, he's currently on leave and has missed the entire school year. 

When the school learned he'd be coming in for a quick visit Thursday, they wanted to do something special for him. So they asked students and staff to come to school wearing green -- the color for liver cancer awareness.

"When we found out Michael had cancer, we were devastated," said Carrie Jackson, principal at Timberview Middle School. "We're all about being family here and certainly, the Shaws are an important part of our family. So we're always looking for ways to help them."

Prior to the "green out," his coworkers started a meal train for him and his family, regularly bringing them dinners. They've also helped sell t-shirts his family designed that say #DeliverMyLiver as a fundraiser.

When Shaw came to school Thursday, students and staff posed for pictures with him wearing their green.

He says their support has meant the world to him.

"I told them I'll come back as soon as I can and I miss them too," said Shaw. "This school has always been very caring to me and my family."

If you'd like to support Shaw and his family as he awaits a new liver, you can purchase #DeliverMyLiver merchandise on his website.

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