Fort Worth

FW Animal Shelter Calls for Adoptions, Fosters as Space Becomes Limited

Fort Worth Animal Shelter issues Code Red for animals in urgent need of adoption or rescue

Fort Worth Animal Shelter, file photo
FW Animal Shelter

In response to the high volume of animals, the Fort Worth Animal Shelter says it's urging residents to help their four-legged occupants to find a home.

The shelter is currently caring for more than 1,000 pets which is the highest they've seen in recent years.

"The number of animals coming into the shelter outweighs the number of adoptions," said Daine Covey with the City of Fort Worth. "We're in urgent need of adoptions, especially for large dogs."

In addition to adoption, the animal shelter suggests residents can help out by becoming opening their homes and fostering larger dogs.


Pets like Apple and Blue Jack who have been in the shelter since April 2021 are also in need of a home where they are the only pet in the house.

FW Animal Shelter
Blue Jack

They're very loving and happy pups. They are located at the North Campus of the Fort Worth Animal Shelter, 351 Hillshire in north Fort Worth.

The city also posted Code Red pets -- animals in urgent need of adoption or rescue, the list online is for special-needs animals that aren't placed into traditional adoption programs at the Fort Worth Animal Shelter.

This comes after the Dallas Animal Shelter announced they no longer had room in the facility and described the increase as a "crisis."

For more information on becoming a foster or adopting your next fur friend, contact or visit the site.

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