
Body of DeSoto Woman Found in Mountain Creek Lake


The search for a missing DeSoto woman is over after divers found her body Monday afternoon in Mountain Creek Lake.

On Sunday, DeSoto police teamed up with Dallas and Grand Prairie police to conduct a search for 25-year-old Yi Chan.

Chan was last seen by her family in their DeSoto home on the 500 block of Olympia between 12 a.m. and 1 a.m. on Sunday.

Police said Chan left her home in a depressed state and her family feared for her safety.

Dallas police found Chan’s blue Nissan Sedan with the keys inside of it on Mountain Creek Parkway early Sunday morning.

Divers from the City of Dallas located Chan's body Monday afternoon. The Dallas County Medical Examiner has also positively identified the body as Chan.

Police said they encourage anyone dealing with mental health issues those who may be considering harming themselves to seek help.

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