North Texas

Volunteers Getting Closer to Finishing Home of Girl With Cancer

Last week, we introduced you to Katie Thomson, a North Texas girl who is battling cancer. Katie was diagnosed with leukemia in 2015.

Fighting to keep their daughter alive, her parents are now drowning in medical debt. The couple keeps getting hit with big medical bills that they simply cannot afford to pay. They even had to stop building this house and move in with relatives just to get by.

Viewers saw this story and wanted to help give Katie and her family a fresh start.

This past weekend, crews and volunteers came out to their house. They were determined to see this project through, at no cost to the family.

They finished about 80 percent of the sheetrock, and started on the paint work. Katie was very involved in the process and wanted to get her hands dirty to help out.

The next phase of the project includes flooring, siding and cabinet installations.

Crews said they hope to have Katie and her family moved in by Easter.

Katie's story was part of NBC 5's medical debt initiative.

Since that story aired, our viewers have donated enough to pay off $4.1 million in medical debt.

If you'd like to continue the movement and donate to the cause, click here.

Be on the lookout for those yellow envelopes that say "RIP Medical Debt."

2,000 North Texans will get those letters in the mail, which means their medical debt has been paid by NBCUniversal, the owner of NBC 5.

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