Lancaster ISD faculty and staff were not going to let the school year end without celebrating their graduating seniors.
“Our goal was to give them a unique experience amid uncertainty as they end their senior year,” Lancaster ISD Chief of Communications Sherese Nix said.
Thursday morning, Lancaster High School staff and administrators surprised each senior with a car parade in front of their homes and signs for their yards.
“It’s been extremely hard, but Lancaster [high school] has still provided us with multiple ways to still do our senior year,” graduating senior Myla Rogers said.
Rogers admitted her senior year is like something she never thought she would have to deal with. The school year ended abruptly. She said she is missing her friends, missing her teachers and missing important events like prom.
“I still am keeping a happy feeling though, because I am going to UT Austin and I’m just living with gratitude because so many people have passed. I am just thankful to be here,” Rogers said.
It’s been hard for the administration at the school too.
“I’m a hugging principal,” Principal Eleanor Webb said. “It’s hard not to see my kids and hug them. I always love this time of the year because I tell them if you don’t do this, that and the other, I am going to be your prom date! So they are eager to do whatever they need to do to make sure they are totally prepared for graduation.”

“I miss this for my babies, so we are going to do everything that we can to celebrate them in a grand style,” Webb said. “We are so very proud of our students.”
The latest news from around North Texas.
Lancaster ISD said they are working on a hybrid-model graduation. Each student has an opportunity to walk across the stage with four family members in attendance. The district will record those and stream them as a virtual ceremony sometime in June.
*Map locations are approximate, central locations for the city and are not meant to indicate where actual infected people live.