North Texas Children's Video/Photo Essay Meant to Spark Conversation About Race

Two North Texas mothers put 7 children with different skin tones and different backgrounds in a room for a 45-minute photoshoot to show what can all learn from them

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A photo and video essay that showcases seven North Texas children is called 'The Magic of Children.' It's meant to spark a discussion among adults.

"In those kids' faces there's hope," Haley Trout said. Trout approached North Texas photographer Kristen Davis with the idea to bring children who didn't know each other, with different skin tones and backgrounds together, for a photoshoot.

"We just looked at each other and said, 'OK, let's see what they do,'" photographer Davis said. "Their little fingers intertwined, and their toes next to each other, and hugging, it was truly magical."

The mothers said the strangers became instant friends, showing hate and racism are learned as children get older.

"They weren't just born thinking those things," Trout said. "They learn that from their parents. They learn that from their grandparents. It's the environment you're in."

"It's up to us as the adults to truly and actively be hyper-sensitive and aware of what we're teaching our children," Davis said.

Both worry about their children for different reasons.

"I can't help but think my husband looks just like George Floyd," Davis said. "Guess what, my sons have color in their skin as well."

"I have two kids as well, but they're white," Trout said. "My biggest fear is, I'm going to get emotional, is my kids being hateful towards somebody because of the color of their skin or because of where they came from."

Both said their Magic of Children photoshoot showed them we can learn a lot from a child.

"It's so amazing what they can really teach us," Davis said. "If we're open to receiving it."

You can see the photos and video from that project on Facebook and Instagram.

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