Proposal to Change School Start Times in Grand Prairie ISD

A proposed change to school start times in Grand Prairie ISD is getting push-back from some parents and students.

Under the proposal, high school start times would move up an hour later to 8:45 a.m., with middle school start times moving an hour and half earlier to 7:25 a.m.

"It will be a difficult transition," Mother Hilda Ruiz said.

Her daughter is currently a 10th grader and along with her mother believes the delayed release time will cause problems.

"It's just lost time in the day, an extra hour you could have used to do something," student Daisy Ruiz said.

The district said the proposal has been under consideration since 2016 and research shows it's in the best interest of students.

"The research that we have gotten and analyzed is that a later start time specifically for high school age students is actually better for them in terms of health," district spokesperson Sam Buchmeyer said.

On Tuesday, the district delayed a vote at the request of the board president.

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