Burleson High School’s graduation was supposed to be held on the TCU campus. But when COVID-19 threw a curveball and moved the ceremony to the new home of the Rangers, Trey James was ready to hit it out of the park.
“In all honesty, it was just kind of, I just kind of wanted to do something kind of crazy,” said the outgoing Burleson High School senior.
James received his diploma then took an imaginary swing for the fences.
“I’m actually kind of the quiet person in class and not a lot of people know me for being the class clown but you only get to do this once so you might as well make everyone laugh while you’re doing it,” said James.
But James did have second thoughts because his girlfriend was right behind him in line. She’s the one you barely see because the cameras were focused on the graduate taking a trip around the basepath.
“Somebody was taking a video of me walking off the platform to and my head is in my hands and I’m like, ‘Oh no’ because I didn’t think he’d do it,” said Vegas Jankowski.
With the video going viral, including an appearance on the "Today Show," all is forgiven.
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But while reaction to his graduation day move has been mostly positive, James said not everyone is a fan of what he did, including a woman who works in the front office at the high school.
“I had a nice lady pull me aside and say I’d have to serve 30 hours of community service,” said James.
But cooler heads prevailed. James avoided any punishment and everyone’s able to laugh about it now.
James said, “You know it actually has kind of been crazy. Just who has a viral video?”
A happy, young couple in Burleson, Texas. That's who.