Fort Worth

Fort Worth ISD Adds Precautions, Advises Caution as Outdoor Graduations Heat Up

AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

Fort Worth ISD added precautions at its outdoor high school graduation ceremonies due to the heat.

Fort Worth ISD on Tuesday advised spectators to consider if they should attend graduations in-person, because "the climate has been declared unhealthy."

All the graduations will be live-streamed, the district said.

At least two graduations will take place every day from Wednesday through Sunday, and each graduation is scheduled to be held outdoors at either Farrington Field or Clark Stadium.

At each graduation, Fort Worth ISD will have cooling stations, available cold water, multiple misting devices and medical personnel standing by. The district also advised attendees to dress appropriately for the heat.

You can watch any graduation occurring at Farrington Field here and any graduation occurring at Clark Stadium here.

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