Drivers and a member of the Dallas City Council are raising concerns about an on-ramp in North Dallas they say is dangerous.
The North Texas Tollway Authority opened a reconfigured Frankford Road northbound on-ramp along the President George Bush Turnpike in March.
Critics said the ramp is too short and dumps quickly into fast-moving traffic with some drivers headed northbound also attempting to merge over to exit onto the PGBT.
“I thought it was frightening and actually I did it in the afternoon around 2:30,” said Dallas City Councilmember Sandy Greyson.
Greyson’s concerns are not alone; more than 2,000 drivers have signed a petition calling for the ramp to be changed.
“There will be an accident, a bad accident, there is no doubt in my mind,” said Jim Johnson, who often uses the ramp.
The NTTA said the ramp is safe and meets all engineering standards. No reported crashes in the area have been attributed to merging, according to the NTTA.
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In recent weeks, the NTTA said it has added additional striping to better mark the lane and is considering also adding signs.
“So far the striping hasn’t done the trick, I don’t know that signage will either,” said Greyson.
Greyson said the NTTA is looking at solutions and will present options sometime in May.