The family of Botham Jean is in Dallas to participate in a summit about race, unity and leadership - all in his honor.
Allison Jean, Botham Jean's mother, says she looks around the room at everyone involved, and she's proud.
"These are exact things that he would've loved to be involved in. As I move around and as I interact with the people who knew him, it's still very emotional for me," said Jean. "It really shows what an inspiration he was in his lifetime and the impact he had on people."
The fallout has been tense. Organizers of the summit hope to encourage commonality.
"When we think that there is no common ground. That there is no area that we can come to agreement, that in fact, it's the exact opposite," said Tryce Prince of the Carl Spain Center.
Friends of Jean say the loss is far-reaching.
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"He was heavily involved in the social clubs that we offer there, the church ministries that were on our campus. It was impossible not to know Botham," said friend, Jessica Berry.
Jean's mother welcomes difficult discussions concerning race and unity because she says he would have done the same.
"In his life he created an impact. And in his death he has created an even greater impact."