
Grapevine Dog's Trick Helps With Social Distancing

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Social distancing is straight forward. Keep six feet between you and everyone else. The more we all do it, the safer we will be and the quicker the coronavirus pandemic will turn a corner.

A Grapevine woman is getting some help from her dog to continue social distancing.

Mary Wright’s dog Molly knows how to get the mail from the mailman!

She has been doing it for a while, but during this time of social distancing, it has really been coming in handy for Wright, who is in her 60’s and is trying to stay safe in every way she can.

Molly, the 11-year-old German Shephard mix waits at the edge of the driveway for the mailman. When he gets there, Molly walks up to the vehicle, stands up and grabs the mail.

Wight shared this video with us and we would like to see the ways you are staying safe too! Send them to us at

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