For some kids, the back-to-school season marks the dreaded end of summer. For others, it brings uncertainty and nerves. But for thousands of other kids, it's the start of the most exciting time of year: school supply shopping.Plenty of kids watched eagerly for area stores to haul out shiny new notebooks and designer pencils. The toughest call? Picking the perfect designs for your supplies. In the '60s, kids snapped up Batman lunch boxes. In the '70s, Hank Aaron notebooks were a huge hit. And in the 1980s, Dallas kids snapped up school supplies featuring Jedi, Garfield, Cathy and E.T. Check out vintage back-to-school accessories in the gallery below, and make sure you check out the chart to see how much it cost to get an d'80s kid cool for school. Continue reading...

Flashback: Dallas Kids Got Cool for Back-to-school With Themed School Supplies
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