Dallas Vaults Up Stress List

Forbes ranks Dallas 7th-most-stressful, up for 36

Feeling stressed? Yeah, you should be if you live in Dallas.

A recent Forbes study identified Dallas as the seventh most stressed out city in the country.

It probably feels even more jangly around here than in other cities, even those ranked 1-6 — Las Vegas; Los Angeles; Houston, where it stinks; Tampa; Riverside, Calif.; and Miami — because last year Dallas chilled back at No. 36 on a 40-city list, so we made the biggest jump. Kind of like the heat-humidity index, it just feels more stressful here than it really is. Huh?

Anyway, New York City, Chicago, and Detroit round out the top 10.

Don’t get too smug, though, if you live in Fort Worth. The study covered the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro area, so you're in this sinking boat, too. Criteria included the unemployment rate, 30th in the United States, commute times, long working hours, limited health care options, physical health, and exercise.

The Cowboys not playing in the Super Bowl in the past 15 years must have contributed as well. Things get pretty stressful when you’re denied an unalienable right.

Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. He’s going to go relax now with a cup of coffee and a cigarette.

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