Problem-Free Online Shopping

If you're already thinking about holiday shopping, there's things to keep in mind to keep your online shopping season jolly.

The president and CEO of Neospire Inc., a website hosting company, says shopping online is easy.

โ€œIt's so much easier than going store to store to store to find out what's the best deal out there," Mitch Gervis said.

He said shoppers should make sure the websites they visit are secure. Look for the letter โ€œsโ€ after โ€œhttpโ€ in the Web address.

"The 's' is for secure site,โ€ Gervis said. โ€œThat means the website you're visiting has an SSL certificate, which means the site has been verified by a third-party provider that they are who they say they are.โ€

Gervis said shoppers should also made sure they have antivirus protection, choose strong passwords and use credit cards instead of debit cards.

More: Neospire's 7 Tips for Safe Online Holiday Shopping.

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