
Cold front season is winding down in North Texas

The summer months have the fewest cold fronts

Did you know there was a cold front season in North Texas? Well, there is and it's coming to an end.

The cold front season is that time of the year when cold fronts can move into Texas with ease, bringing a significant drop in temperatures and humidity. Typically the season begins in September and lasts into May.

As the seasons transition from spring to summer, the jet stream becomes weaker and shifts farther north into the Central and Northern United States. This change in the jet stream makes it unfavorable for cooler air masses to move into Texas. There can still be cold fronts in the summer but they lack the push and strength of fall and winter cold fronts.

A typical summer cold front may barely make it all the way through North Texas with only a small change in temperatures and humidity. People joke that a summer cold front in Texas is a temperature falling from 105 to 98 degrees.


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The cold front season starts back up by mid-September as the jet stream begins to strengthen. A stronger jet stream can lead to stronger pushes of cooler air into Texas.

As Fall progresses, the cold fronts can get strong enough to move all the way south into the Gulf of Mexico. Those are the cold fronts that have you reaching for the first pumpkin spice latte of the season as humidity drops to comfortable levels and temperatures are actually pleasant.

But before all of that can happen, we have to endure the blazing summer heat. So enjoy the last few cold fronts of the season. Their days are numbered.

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