Cuban Is A “Coward”: Martin

Kenyon Martin said in an interview recently that Mavs owner Mark Cuban was a 'coward'

Only a couple of days before his Denver Nuggets square off with Los Angeles, Kenyon Martin continues to fume over a perceived ‘diss’ by Mavericks owner Mark Cuban; namely, calling him a ‘thug’ to his mother and then blogging his apology.

In an interview with, Martin said, “He’s a coward.”
"He couldn't face it... You all read the only apology that he's made (on his blog)... The world got to see it before the person who it was meant for got to see it. That tells you how that goes. I ain't never known nobody apology to somebody through other people.''
Martin, of course, is referring to the ugly events that shrouded the Nuggets controversial Game Three win at the American Airlines Center.
As Cuban finally left the arena, some fans were yelling that Nuggets players were thugs. Cuban turned to Martin’s mother, Lydia Moore, and said, “That includes your son.”
Cuban emailed HoopsHype in response, and said that he intended to apologize in a more appropriate manner in the future.
The owner also took time to fire back on the player. “I would also like to know if Kenyon is going to take responsibility for his actions rather than hiding behind ‘no comment.’’’
“Will he apologize to the wife of our staff member that he called a ‘(expletive) fat pig’ immediately after Game 3? Will he apologize to fans that he threatened to, and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘(expletive) beat the (expletive) down’ during Game 4? Or to the fans he walked by after Game 4, (Martin) cursed and gave the finger to? Will he take responsibility for what he said and did? Is there some reason he has not?’’
Cuban was wrong to call Martin a thug, probably, but Martin didn’t exactly change any perceptions with his profanity-laced tirade after Game Four, or any of his remarks thereafter.
Both men have a fairly legitimate beef, though the manner in which Martin has approached the situation seems to be, well, thuggish.
In any case, it seems that this little feud will continue for months, if not years.

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