Flower Mound’s Cale Balusek’s love of tennis started at a young age.
“My whole family has been into tennis,” Cale said. “Both my grandparents played tennis, my mom is an avid tennis player, and I grew up with tennis all around.”
But before his passion for tennis began, Cale overcame incredible odds.
“I was born prematurely at 30 weeks with two holes in my heart,” Cale said. “Sixteen years later, I was sitting at dinner with my parents and we were thinking how lucky I was to be alive and to be able to play tennis. So, I combined my passion to play tennis and my gratitude to the hospital for saving my life and created a charity tennis tournament.”
The charity tennis tournament has raised almost $50,000 to help fund treatment for babies born prematurely. And while balancing that charitable effort, Cale maintained a 4.47 GPA and was named a captain of the varsity tennis team at Flower Mound.
“This is one of my favorite things I get to do as a Wingstop brand partner. Wingstop loves partnering with great kids and celebrating great kids who do great things both on the court and in the classroom,” said Todd Murrah, Wingstop brand partner.
Celebrating Cale Balusek’s accomplishments -- from social distance – before he heads to Texas A&M to study engineering in the fall.