United States

A 3D Device is Changing the Way Amputees Swim

Dan Lasko, a former US Marine, thought he'd never be able to swim the same way again before coming across "The Fin"

A 3D-printed device is helping amputees swim again, "Today" reported.

After losing part of his left leg in Afghanistan, Dan Lasko, a former United States Marine, never thought he'd be able to swim the way he used to โ€” until coming across "The Fin," a 3D-printed device that can be attached to his prosthetic leg, allowing him to swim the way he could before his injury.

Before using The Fin, Lasko would have to take his prosthetic leg off before swimming. Without any good prosthetics, it was easier for him to swim without his. But with The Fin, he's been able to swim so hard that the device slipped off his leg and had to be reattached.

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"It's kind of like having my leg back," Lasko said. "As I kick, I can feel the propulsion of the water. It feels very free."

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