YouTube Stars In The Making

While some parents do their best to keep their kids off of YouTube, others are embracing it's endless possibilities.

"You gotta get your work out there," said Jane Backes.

Jane's 14-year-old son Blake wants to be a movie director. This summer his parents signed him up, again, for an iD Tech camp. The camp costs about $1,000 for the week. It's being held at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

"These kids are smart enough and creative enough to find a way to make a career out of the technology that is coming now, so why shouldn't we encourage them," said Kenya Andrew, a camp director.

Kenya is teaching the kids how to shoot, edit and upload their videos to YouTube.

"It's a way that people actually make money and get famous. There are famous people who are millionaires, just because of YouTube," she added.

The YouTube craze started years ago and now, the more views, likes and subscriptions, the more lucrative the site can be.

"Oh definitely," Blake said. "You can just wake up one day and have a career. It's pretty amazing."

Blake is making a stop motion movie.

"Some shots are easier than others," he added.

Blake's Dad Leon has no idea where his son's passion will lead, and that's just part of the fun.

"The amount of work that goes into a three minute video is incredible," Leon said. "He'll work on it for hours and hours and hours but the end result is pretty amazing."

Like all parents, Blake's Mom and Dad want the best for this son. They've invested in computers with extra storage and editing software. Blake even has his own green screen, for special effects.

"He's had me sit on a square thing and act like I'm superman," Jane joked. They closely monitor everything Blake posts.

"YouTube has this ability, if you have somebody that's creative and successful, they can leverage that, really over the whole world," Leon added. "If it catches somebody's attention and then all of a sudden it become viral and the whole world sees it."

Aside from uploading his movies, Blake is already thinking of new ways to use YouTube.

"I could do more things, like movie reviews, or something like that," Blake said.

"I see the sky for these kids. They can take their creativity and their skills and it doesn't have to be on YouTube. It can be on YouTube for now, because they're kids, but I see 10 years into the future and these are the next people who are running Pixar," Kenya said.

It all starts with a dream and it could end up being a lucrative career.

"We'll see," joked Leon. "You never know."

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