Yoga Heats Up Euless Trinity HS Football Practice

Euless Trinity High School football team hopes hot yoga leads to better performance on the field.

Members of the Euless Trinity High School Trojans football team are tough, agile and some of them now discovering their flexibility. 

The team's coach is incorporating Birkam Yoga better known as hot yoga to their workout regimen, all in order to receive the benefits of from it--including healing and recovering from injuries quicker.
"They can get tackled or run over but they'll be fine, they're not going to have that many injuries," Kathryn Lorusso, the team’s yoga instructor said.
However, there are some differences, unlike an official hot yoga session that would take place in a room with temperatures of 105 to 110 degrees for 90 minutes; the players here will be doing their yoga in 90 degree heat for 30 minutes. 
All the postures that the team is using are meant for beginners.
"I feel loose — like I can do anything, I feel like hurdling over somebody right now,” Antonio Franklin, a football player said. “I never do that -- it's just a different type of energy."
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