Teen Recounts Witnessing Argyle Building Collapse

An Argyle High School student who watched the skeleton structure of what was to be the a new indoor practice facility is speaking out about her experience.

Arya Monticino was driving past the building outside Argyle High School when she saw it collapse.

"All the beams, they fell on each other, and it was just this huge thunderous noise," Monticino said. "I saw men running from all sides of the build site. It was only then that I realized that there might have been people under there."

On the morning of April 2, the a steel structure being built at Argyle High School collapsed, crushing several pieces of heavy machinery. The collapse killed Julio Ledesma, 36, and injured three other workers.

Ledesma was a single father of three young girls. Community members have raised over $16,000 on a donation site to help his family after the tragedy.

"I think its very important that we all have to remember it for his sake and for his daughters sake," Monticino said.

The steel and debris have since been cleared from the site.

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