Carter in the classroom

School Switches Up Science Fair, Teachers Make the Projects

Teachers made experiments and projects and let the families come see science

School projects can often be a pain for parents. You often wonder if your child is really learning anything from all the work you put into them.

Glen Rose Elementary has turned the school science fair upside down, and it has everyone celebrating and students learning.

Once a year the faculty open the school’s doors at night and invite the whole town to come out. The entire school is transformed into a hands-on museum of interactive games and science experiments designed to draw the kids in and teach them something cool.

The students learned everything from the science behind how snowflakes form to figuring out static electricity.

Broward Sheriff's Office
Children learn about static electricity during Family Learning Night at Glen Rose Elementary. (Published March 5, 2019)

Cooper Carter, a first grader, says it just one of the many reasons he loves going to school at Glen Rose Elementary.

"I like my teacher and my friends," he said. "My teacher just makes it fun for us."

Nearly 500 students enrolled in the school are all pre-kindergarten through second grade. Teachers knew having a science fair would be busy work for the parents and the information retained may be minimal.

Instead, the teachers made experiments and projects and let the families come see science and just learn.

"Look at all the effort they put into it," Brittany Carter, a parent, said. "It’s just amazing to see."

Teachers say the students walk out with the knowledge of what they learned, not just from one science project, but a whole school of them.

It's called Family Learning Night, and it's helping bring the community together and embrace learning for elementary school-aged students. Glen Rose Elementary has turned the school science fair upside down, and it has everyone celebrating and students learning.
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