Getting certified organic fresh fruits and vegetables doesn't have to cost a fortune. In fact, in some cases, it can actually be a cheaper way to feed your family and eat healthy. Food Co-Ops are popping up all around North Texas, as well as the website
The group services about 40 different locations around Texas including Dallas, Bedford, Flower Mound and Frisco.
For a small fee, members are not only treated to certified organic goods but also have a chance to try something they may not necessarily pick up in the grocery store.
Monica Brown is the founder of Your Health Source. Along with running the co-op, Brown is also raising a family with seven children, so she knows the importance of good nutrition.
"That was our motivation, our children. We wanted to raise them up healthy and we wanted our children to be characterized by healthy eating," said Brown. "Our oldest is 15 ... he will be 16 in May. He's never been to the doctor for a sickness, ever."
Weston, Brown's teenage son, helps his mother run the co-op.
He is up bright and early every other Tuesday sorting member's shares into the containers for them to pick-up.
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"It's fun to have everyone pick-up," said Weston. "They're always real excited to find out what they got this time and it's nice because it helps people save money."
And that sits well with many members.
"It's just a cheap way to get organic food," said Sarah Hoover, co-op member and mother. "I make a lot of my baby food for this little guy from it and I just know it's healthier than buying store bought."
This co-op isn't just about saving money it's about making friends, trying new things and making healthy eating a priority.
"Eating organic is really healthy for us and so that is really something that is important for our family," said Cindy Haggerton, cop-op member and mother. "It's nice to have the vegetables and fruits available in the house, because if they are there we have to eat them."
Members also share recipe ideas to help spice up dinnertime.
It costs $25 to join the co-op and a full share of goods will cost you $50 every two weeks. If that is too much, you can always opt for half a share.