
Prosper Police Stepping Up Enforcement on Neighborhood Speeders

A lot of families choose to live in the suburbs for the quality of life, especially quiet, safe neighborhoods for their kids.

But there's a growing problem: drivers who speed down residential streets.

Now, police in Prosper are doing something about it.

Preserving the town's quality of life is the reason Prosper made 25 miles per hour the speed limit in all neighborhoods.

This week, the city announced plans to begin "actively enforcing" speeding on residential streets.

"The days getting longer, obviously, it's been unusually warm this time of year, given it's February, and spring break is going to be coming up here soon, and a lot of our families have kiddos," said assistant police chief Gary McHone. "We want to make sure that folks are mindful of that speed limit."

McHone said officers will maintain a presence in neighborhoods and will cite drivers caught speeding down residential streets.

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