Fort Worth

Organization Empowers Women Through Firearm Training

In North Texas, groups catering to women and firearm training are on the rise. North Texas chapters of “The Well Armed Woman” are growing. The organization is focused on educating, equipping, and empowering women through firearm training.

The North Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, and Little Fork chapter have noticed a spike in membership and women interested in the instruction. Chapters in Flower Mound and Rockwall are soon to follow.

“I think there is an awareness of our own vulnerability and mortality,” said Donna Cornell who started the Grand Prairie chapter of Well Armed Woman.

She says the class is transformative for women.

“I’ve seen women come in here who are terrified to shoot a gun, but after we train them, its like a light comes on and they think ‘I can do this.’ Not only can they do it, they are good at it,” said Cornell.

Women from different professions, both at the height of their careers, to retired grandmothers have joined the group.

“Once you start focusing on training, that negates the fear and so once you have your emotions under control you’re able to come at it with a better frame of mind,” said Mindy KayRay who is the North Fort Worth instructor. “I wanted to protect my family while my husband was out of town for work. I needed more training, and now I feel grounded."

“We are not life takers, we are life givers. And there is a desire for us to protect. You here this phrase ‘mama bear’ and I want to protect my cubs and put myself in the best situation to do that,” Cornell said.

The women say the training they have received has helped them to avoid potentially dangerous situations through situational awareness.

Each of three chapters in Benbrook, Grand Prairie, and North Fort Worth meet one Thursday per month at 6:30 p.m.

Benbrook meets on the second Thursday of the month at Shoot Smart Benbrook at 9455 Benbrook Blvd.

Grand Prairie meets on the third Thursday of the month at Shoot Smart Grand Prairie at 2440 W. Main St.

North Fort Worth meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at Shoot Smart Fort Worth Alliance at 10305 North Freeway.

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