North Texas

Orlando Memorial Serves as Site of Collected Grief

Even in the middle of the night people stopped at a growing memorial in downtown Orlando, the site of a massive vigil on Monday.

People prayed, they hugged and lit candles in the site of collected grief more than 48 hours after a gunman shot and killed 49 people inside the Pulse nightclub.

One of the people inside the club was Luis Lopez. The young man is originally from The Colony but recently moved to Orlando.

Lopez told NBC 5 Pulse was a home away from home, a place where his friends came to have fun and feel safe. He was inside the club early Sunday morning hanging out with friends when that security was shattered.

"I see everyone jumping over the fences and going crazy and just trying to get out any way that they could have,” said Lopez.

“That’s when I thought I needed to get out of here too. So then I ran straight to the fence. I jumped over the fence and I just started running and running and running all the way until I felt like I was far away enough.”

“Even then I could still hear the gunshots fired over and over. It was non-stop it was very overwhelming," Lopez said.

He came to a vigil held Monday night to honor the victims and said he can still not believe what happened. He told NBC 5 that he is okay and has heard from concerned family and friends back in North Texas.

Families and friends grieve the loss of their loved ones killed in an Orlando nightclub over the weekend.
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