Fort Worth

Burleson Family Grateful That Leaning Power Pole Finally Being Replaced

Oncor acknowledges it should have replaced pole faster

A Burleson mother says she was afraid to let anyone in her backyard because of a utility pole that was bent and appeared in danger of falling.

"It's literally cracked all the way up to the top," Suzette Farmer said. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid for my children's lives. My life. My dogs."

Three transformers sat atop the pole. A large crack appeared about midway up, and the pole clearly was leaning at an awkward angle.

"I don't even want my dogs back here because I'm afraid of what could happen," Farmer said. "I don't know what it's capable of doing but I do know it's about to fall."

NBC 5 contacted Oncor Wednesday afternoon. The power company said it would replace the pole Wednesday night.

Farmer said she called Oncor several times to fix the pole but they never did.

Oncor spokeswoman Jeamy Molina said Farmer did call twice last month and that the company had been working on replacing it.

"We should have been quicker," Oncor spokeswoman Jeamy Molina said, adding, "If we see something that is hazardous we are going to fix it right away."

Farmer said she will sleep better now that the pole is being replaced.

"I go to bed at night and I pray to Jesus that me and my son (are) okay," she said.

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