
Hurst Offers Yearly Ambulance Subscription Service

The City of Hurst is currently accepting applications for its ambulance subscription service for the coming year.

For a one-time $60 fee, Hurst residents can guarantee a year of free ambulance rides.

A trip in an ambulance can result in a bill of about $1,000, and Hurst Fire Chief John Brown said even those who have health insurance often find that they are still left with a portion of that bill; those without health insurance will be responsible for the entire ambulance bill.

Residents can sign up for coverage in 2017 from now through Dec. 31.
According to Brown, about 3 percent of the city’s residents have taken advantage of the service to date.

“We have about 1,000 households (enrolled,)” he said. “And we certainly would take on more. There’s no limit to the number of people that can be part of the program. So we encourage people to participate if they want to."

Online: Hurst Implements Ambulance Subscription Service

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