Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Trinity River E. Coli Results Were Incorrect: Officials

There is new information about the health concerns along the Trinity River in Fort Worth.

It turns out the E. coli test results that kept people from swimming and tubing near Panther Island during Thursday's Rockin' The River summer concert series event were way off.

After re-testing the water, the amount of E. coli in the water was found to be well within acceptable recreation levels.

The Tarrant Regional Water District acknowledged Thursday that the original results showing high bacteria levels were odd.

Woody Frossard, director of environmental services for TRWD, said it was "an unusual situation," given the fact that samples from either side of the portion of river that runs in front of Panther Island showed normal levels of bacteria.

Still, no one at the concert event Thursday seemed to mind the precautions.

A Tweet Friday night by Panther Island Pavilion called the water quality "fantastic."

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