Dallas ISD Moves Mask Requirement to Recommendation

DISD says the recommendation will go into effect Monday, Feb. 28

In response to the decrease in COVID-19 cases, Dallas ISD says they're lifting its mask mandate.

Effective on Monday, Feb. 28, masks will no longer be a requirement on district property, however, they will be recommended.

Dallas ISD says that over the last month, the numbers have been encouraging as positive cases continue to decrease districtwide.

Back in the Fall, the school district required that all students and teachers wear masks to further prevent the spread.

According to Dallas ISD, the district has remained consistent with a mask protocol to help protect students, staff, and families from the COVID-19 virus - and its variants.

For more information on the new COVID-19 protocols, visit https://www.dallasisd.org/covidsafety.

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