
Comedy Helping Veterans Enter Workforce After Service

The goal is for veterans to be able to walk in and walk out of a job interview with confidence

Dallas Comedy House has partnered with a local organization that prepares veterans for the corporate sales world after they return home from service.

They provide coaching and show how comedy can enhance their overall presentation skills. The goal is for veterans to be able to walk in and walk out of a job interview with confidence.

Itโ€™s life-changing for some veterans like Juan Feria, now an account manager at a Dallas tech firm.

"Itโ€™s critical to understand humor in tense situation and it has helped me be more successful at my current role. I wish I would have taken these classes before so could use them in the military," Feria said.

"And what the veterans learn from working with Dallas Comedy House is one, how to listen, and two, how to think about what youโ€™re going to say next. Thatโ€™s paramount in sales," said Todd Brown, CEO and Founder of Fort Worth based Tech Qualled, a sales training company for veterans.

The partnership with Dallas Comedy House, and Tech Qualled started about four years ago. More than 200 veterans have gone through the training and placed in jobs in corporate America.

ONLINE: Dallas Comedy House

ONLINE: Tech Qualled

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