School boards are starting to talk about a plan from the Texas Education Agency to adjust school calendars. Starting earlier, ending later and more time built in the middle for extra help and longer winter and spring breaks.
"We heard from teachers immediately," said Sunnyvale Independent School District Superintendent Doug Williams. "We're going to look at all aspects of it, but here at Sunnyvale we don't anticipate making major revisions to our calendar."
The responses were similar responses from dozens of North Texas school district leaders. Many leaders recognizing they need a plan for a possible coronavirus comeback, but may not need to make all the changes outlined by TEA.
In their board meeting this week, Fort Worth ISD Chief of Staff Karen Molinar said they’re going to talk to everyone before they think of touching the calendar.
"We would like to get feedback on an optional calendar as well, we would like to get the feedback from our parents as well as students and teachers about what that calendar looks like and how it will impact them," she said.
This is where the “independent” in ISD really comes in. The state gives suggestions, a framework, but each district will make the call for themselves.
Dallas ISD is looking seriously at a hybrid at-home, in the building school day.
The latest news from around North Texas.
TEA’s calendar shift also builds in extra time to help students who may need extra help, that’s something a lot of districts say they have interest in and will think about as they plan for the fall.