There’s so much focus on staying connected and bridging the technology gap in many of our schools. While important, one North Texas teacher is getting creative with other ways to connect with students.
Seventh grade social studies teacher Mikayla Roach is trying something different when it comes to at home learning.
"They’re all focused on digital learning and how can you do all this technology stuff and I’m like, 'You can also go old school,'" said Roach who teaches at Dallas ISD's Medrano Middle School.
Roach wrote personal letters to each one of her 150 plus students -- and then some.
""(One student) never received a letter in the mail before ever and she’s like, 'My little sister really wants one. Can you write her a letter?' So I’m like, 'Yeah.' So I wrote a letter to an 8-year-old girl I don’t know," Roach said.
Student Neyda Garcia said she cried when she got the letter from her teacher. She not only got to practice her letter writing skills, but also got to take away a connection to a teacher she won’t have in class anymore
"She wrote it by heart I know it means a lot to her and it means a lot to me too," Garcia said.
Carter In The Classroom
Focusing on unique things school districts are doing to help children succeed.
In a time when so many are stuck in a rut, physically apart, Ms. Roach is teaching how people can remain connected in the most basic ways.