Can Dry Shampoo Lead To Hair Loss?

Dry shampoo has become a staple on most women's vanities, but some online claims accuse the popular products of causing hair loss.

Most agree, dry shampoo can cut down a morning routine in half and help a hairstyle last days.

"Not only would I be using shampoo and conditioner, I'd be blow drying and flat ironing every day. That just makes my hair that much drier and more damaged," said Bedford resident Kristy Zastrow.

But can it cause your hair to fall out?

Dr. Katherine Ayoade, a dermatologist who researches Alopecia at UT Southwestern, says no.

She says if you're experiencing hair loss, get to a doctor, because it could be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Low vitamin D, thyroid problems, an iron deficiency or even stress could be the culprit.

"During times of illness, during times of stress, during times of hormonal changes, I'm talking about thyroid hormones in particular, anytime your body is under physical or medical stress, it seems to affect the hair cycle," said Ayoade.

She warns that if you overuse dry shampoo and let it continue to build on your hair follicles by going days without a good lather and rinse, it's possible, but unlikely, you can experience some hair loss.

"That build up can potentially can cause inflammation on the follicles of the scalp and if untreated, can potentially lead to hair loss," Ayoade said, describing the only scenario she believes dry shampoo can lead to hair loss.

She says, like with anything else, use in moderation.

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