
Refugee Debate Sparks Polarizing Protests in North Texas

Dozens of North Texans joined the national debate over whether or not to allow Syrian refugees into the country by rallying in Dallas and Irving.

Several demonstrators gathered in Dealey Plaza to reject Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) efforts to block Syrian refugees from settling in Texas.

The group of about two-dozen said the United States can't turn its back on people who they say are vulnerable.

"I think that everyone deserves a chance, and just closing our doors is not an option," said Dag Mar, a demonstrator in Dallas. "Our homeland is built on refugees and immigrants."

Meanwhile, protesters speaking out over the hidden dangers of were met with a heavy police presence outside the Islamic Center of Irving.

About ten protesters, some of whom openly carried weapons, told NBC DFW they were standing up for people scared militants could enter the U.S. disguised as refugees.

"A lot of people feel like we do, but are scared to show it," said protester David Wright. "We want to let them know we're not alone."

Abbott announced Monday, Nov. 16 the state would not accept any Syrian refugees fleeing the Middle East and Africa.

"Given the tragic attacks in Paris and the threats we have already seen, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees — any one of whom could be connected to terrorism — being resettled in Texas," Abbott said in a letter to President Barack Obama.

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