Hours of waiting in line for a COVID-19 test and then waiting days, even more than a week for results make an option like a test kit delivered to your doorstep seem appealing.
Labcorp's Pixel COVID-19 at-home test kit was the first to get FDA authorization and now others are entering the market.
This week, Kroger received FDA authorization to offer its version of the test in certain markets.
"We are seeing the testing sites are becoming taxed, as well are the equipment and swab availability. I think at-home testing has a role," said Dallas County Medical Society President Dr. Mark Casanova.
Dr. Casanova said the results can be just as reliable as the ones from tests being done by medical professionals, however, the burden of performing the test correctly falls on you.
If a swab isn't obtained correctly, one runs the risk of a false negative.
One also runs the risk of a false negative if tested too soon after exposure to someone who has COVID-19.
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Casanova says it is best to wait until at least three days after your exposure and best to use a test that has been authorized by the FDA.
"If you're having a question about whether or not you should do the test, call your physician."