Officials reported 228 additional cases of COVID-19 in Dallas County Monday -- the fifth straight day of more than 200 new cases of the coronavirus in the county.
The spike in cases comes after a stretch in which Dallas County Health and Human Services reported 197 cases or fewer for five days in a row.
The 228 new cases raise the countywide total to 10,462. Monday, Dallas County did not report a coronavirus-related death for the first time since May 25.
Dallas County does not report recoveries from COVID-19 because it lacks the manpower to follow up with thousands of patients, however, the Texas Department of State Health Services posts an estimated number of recoveries on its site and lists 78,164 for Dallas County as of Saturday, Oct. 10. Using data supplied by the state, there are an estimated 6,120 active COVID-19 cases in the county.
The level of hospitalizations, ICU admissions and emergency room visits -- three indicators officials use to determine COVID-19-related guidelines -- remained flat in Dallas County.
Of the cases requiring hospitalization among people who reported employment, more than 80% have been in critical infrastructure workers.