As downtown Dallas landmarks go, the building at 711 Elm Street isn't at the top of anyone's listThe 5-story brick retail and parking building is easy to overlook - even if it does have a storied past.Built in 1925, 711 Elm was one of Dallas' first "high-rise" parking garages.The building - which just sold to an investment group - was constructed to serve the bustling Sanger Brothers Department Store.While the original Sanger Brother's building was demolished years ago, the old garage across the street is still doing business.There are 137 parking spaces on the upper levels and 7,200 square feet of street-level retail space with tenants including a 7-Eleven store and a barbershop.The building was purchased by a local investment group represented by Dallas-based commercial real estate firm Weitzman's Matthew Rosenfeld, Mike Allen and Kevin Butkus.When Sanger Brothers had the building, it also housed "a complete motor department store where every need of the car may be supplied."Photo's from back in the day show the roof of the garage lined with big Packards to and Fords.Sanger's garage was designed by architect J.A. Pitzinger, who also did the original Dr Pepper headquarters on Second Avenue near Fair Park. Continue reading...

Landmark Downtown Dallas Garage and Retail Building Changes Hands
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