
Backlash Over Dallas Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

An anti-discrimination ordinance passed Wednesday by the Dallas City Council calls for gender identity to be separated from sexual orientation.

Now, Republican State Sen. Don Huffines has started a petition to repeal the ordinance.

"I think this ordinance needs a lot more discussion. It does allows men in womens bathrooms. It is not good," said Huffines.

Dallas Councilman Philip Kingston isn't surprised by the backlash, but he says this is essentially what has been on the books already. The ordinance is a small change in wording.

"Trans people are not creeps. They are not weirdos. They are not a danger to your daughters. They are just people like you and me, and they want to use the bathroom with people of their own gender," said Kingston.

Kingston believes it boils down to straight up politics.

"The people who are making the most noise about this are pandering. They don't really believe it. They just know there are voters out there they can motivate," said Kingston.


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Huffines said this is not politics, it is bad government policy. He thinks this should be on the ballot, and like in Houston, voters in Dallas would have voted it down.

"This is not about discrimination. I think it is more about political correctness," Huffines added.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released the following statement:

“I was very proud to help lead the recent effort where an overwhelming majority of voters in Houston successfully voted down the misnamed and misguided HERO ordinance that was last week.

That’s why yesterday’s decision by the Dallas City Council, in closed session, to fast-track the enactment of a similar ordinance to allow men in women’s restrooms is both mind-boggling and appalling.

“This ordinance isn’t about discrimination, it’s about political correctness – and Dallas city leaders have put political correctness ahead of both common sense and common decency. The facts are clear. No woman wants a man to be allowed in a ladies restroom or locker room, no matter the reason. And no man wants his wife, daughter, mother, or sister to be forced by law to contend with such an uncomfortable, disruptive, and potentially dangerous intrusion.

“This ludicrous ordinance, like the one in Houston, reveals officials who are totally out of touch with Texas values, I have no doubt that if this issue is put to the voters, as opposed to being decided without adequate public notice and discussion, the people of Dallas – like those in Houston – will give it a resounding no.”

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