Art Past and Present: From A Black Artist's Perspective

February 12 – February 21

February is acknowledged as Black History Month. To commemorate the outstanding contributions made by African Americans in various fields of endeavors, NBC 5, The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and the Multicultural Arts Alliance will host an art exhibit entitled, “Art Past and Present: From a Black Artist's Perspective” on Friday, February 12, through Sunday, February 21, at the George W Bush Presidential Library and Museum.

The exhibit will feature eight (8) artists and one photographer:

Dolores Martin
Arthello Beck
Carl Sidle
Frank Frazier
James Kemp
Leslie Steele
Nathan Jones
Sedrick Huckaby
Spencer Evans

The artists will be present during the exhibit at various times for Q&A sessions. To schedule a tour of the exhibit, visit

Art Past and Present:
From A Black Artist's Perspective

February 12 – February 21
George W Bush Presidential Library and Museum
2943 SMU Blvd
Dallas, TX 75205

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