OK, whew, the NFL lockout should be lifted before the end of the week and training camps will open on time if not earlier to make up for lost workouts.
A miracle, you say? And act of God, maybe? Sorry, that was redundant.
Nah, free hot wings.
Buffalo Wild Wings stepped up to the magnanimity plate and issued a furtive plea to NFL owners and the players association to “Save Our Season.” The restaurateur backed its behest with the pledge of six free hot wings for every man, woman, and child in the United States if the lockout gets lifted in time for teams to report to training camps on schedule.
The owners and players responded, maybe, by saying, “What do you ‘our’ season? We pay for this stuff and play it. Y’all just watch. And we don't get squat?”
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And, OK, so not every man, woman, and child get the free munchies. Only those who sign the online petition, executed by clicking the “Like” button, on the Facebook page. That earns them a coupon good for season-opening day.
Hmm, as of right now nearly 25,480 people hit the “Like” button. That’s like, 12,740 wingless chickens, poor flightless barnyard fowl.
Maybe Buffalo Wild Wings is on to something. Sillier things have happened.
Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. He just laughs and laughs at those commercials in which regular-size adults use two hands to eat a chicken wing.