More Than 2000 years Of History at the Dead Sea Scrolls: Life And Faith in Biblical Times Exhibition

Sometimes the chaos and stress of holiday shopping can overshadow the true meaning of the holidays. Take a break and stop by the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit and be reminded of the religious meaning of this time. 

For a lot of us, the holiday season brings out kindnessโ€”it is the season of giving. The city is filled with volunteers singing and chanting while asking for donations for animals, the homeless and many different causes.

Itโ€™s nice to step back and see the bigger meaning of this festive time. Dive inside the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit taking place at the Discovery Times Square.

It is a unique chance to see the largest collection of Holy Land artifacts. The exhibition features a huge collection of ancient artifacts from Israel and tells the story of the gap in history when the traditions we know as Judaism and Christianity emerged from ancient Israel.

The highlights include the priceless 2000- year-old Dead Sea Scrolls and an authentic three-ton stone from the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The scroll, written in Hebrew on leather parchment, contains the text of the famous Ten Commandments of the Old Testament and it is believed the scroll was used as a prayer pamphlet. It dates from the third century before the Common Era and it contains some of the oldest-known copies of biblical writings.

It has been displayed around the world and it is considered the largest collection of biblical objects ever displayed outside Israel.

As Christmas is coming up, indulge yourself in some religious history and take a break from shopping.

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