Voting Registration Numbers Are Up in Texas

According to the Texas Secretary of State’s office, the number of registered party voters in the state has gone up a half a million since the primary. 

It is now 14.7 million. 

There is no way to quantify the data, according to a spokesperson. 

But Dallas County Chairwoman Carol Donovan says she believes Donald Trump may have something to do with it.

β€œPeople call the office telling us they want to know how to vote. They want to register to vote, and they are also telling us they are scared of what would happen if Donald Trump was president,” said Donovan.

The Dallas County Democratic Party has been passing out a new flyer this election season. It is in Spanish, explaining how to register to vote. 

Party members first started handing them out at a protest outside of a Donald Trump.  

A spokesperson for the Dallas County GOP said they are working on an aggressive turnout.  

Donald Trump did very well with Republican voters in the overall primary. 

According to the Washington Post, he got 13.3 million votes, which beats their record.

Voter outreach is going on throughout North Texas. 

Former LULAC District Director Rene Martinez is part of non-partisan effort at area high schools. 

They have already helped register 2000 seniors in May, and hope to get 1,500 more on the books before the election.

β€œWe hoping that people really get excited about the electoral process,” said Martinez.

A spokesperson from the Texas Secretary of State expects the number to bump up again before November.

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