
Temporary TSA PreCheck Office Opens Tuesday

Sixth DFW location to alleviate weeks-long waits for in-person interview

The Transportation Security Administration is expanding its options to sign up for TSA PreCheck here in Dallas-Fort Worth.

For one week only, beginning Tuesday, MorphoTrust USA — the TSA contractor that handles PreCheck enrollment — is opening a location at the D/FW Airport Marriott South hotel in Fort Worth’s CentrePort development.

PreCheck grants approved passengers access to dedicated, and generally shorter, security lines at airports across the country.

TSA heavily touted the PreCheck program in the midst of a rash of impossibly long security lines at major airports, leading to many missed flights this spring.

Many people responded, and applications to the PreCheck program were up nationwide. In turn, that increased popularity for the program led to weeks-long waits to secure an in-person interview, which is required for PreCheck approval.

The temporary Marriott South hotel location will be open through Saturday.

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