Mother of Murdered Dallas Teen Wants Change in Community

Mother of Murdered Dallas Teen: "When it’s your child, that’s when reality sets in."

The mother of 15-year-old Mikel Phillips may never understand what happened to her son, but the heartbreak of his loss has become all too clear.

"It's becoming my reality that I'm not going to see him again, this is the longest I've gone without my child," Shamekia White said.

Phillips was shot and killed Friday night on the basketball court outside Robert L. Thornton Elementary, according to Dallas Police.

The motivation for the shooting remains under investigation and there are currently no suspects.

On Thursday night at 7 p.m., Dallas Councilman Casey Thomas and DISD Trustee Maxie Johnson plan to hold a community meeting where they will update residents on the investigation.

"We'll have a detective there who will give as much info as he can about that shooting," Thomas told NBC 5 on Wednesday.

But for White, the time for talk and community meetings has passed. She believes real change needs to begin in her neighborhood, starting with return of accountability among residents.

"I'm tired of hearing the talking, there are people's kids being killed all the time, this isn't new, but it hits harder when it's your child, that's when reality sets in," White said.

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