
Mayor Eric Johnson Places Sexually Oriented Business Public Safety Item on City Council Agenda

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Mayor Eric Johnson has notified the Dallas City Council of his intent to place an item on the Jan. 26 voting agenda that would require Sexually Oriented Businesses, also known as SOBs, to close between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. each day in the interest of public safety.

According to the City of Dallas, Police Chief Eddie Garcia requested the changes to Chapter 41A of the Dallas City Code, citing data that showed high incidences of violent crime occurred at and around Dallas SOBs during the early morning hours.

Garcia said the changes are critical to his violent crime reduction plan moving forward.

"Chief Garcia and his police command staff have presented a compelling, data-based case for restricting SOBs' operating hours, which will make our city safer and put Dallas in line with surrounding cities and other major Texas cities," Major Johnson said.

The mayor's agenda item will also amend the Dallas City Code to reflect a new state law that forbids SOBs from employing or contracting with anyone who is younger than 21 years old, the City of Dallas said.

The Dallas City Council was briefed on the proposed amendments to Chapter 41A on Wednesday.

Mayor Johnson also expressed his support for the amendments on Wednesday, citing their potential to have a positive impact on public safety in the city.

"We must continue to put public safety first in Dallas," Mayor Johnson said. "Through a 'kitchen sink' approach to public safety in 2021, we achieved a reduction in violent crime that bucked national trends. But to meet our goal of becoming the safest major city in America, we must take our efforts to the next level in 2022."

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