Frisco One Step Closer to Welcoming Brewpubs

Tuesday Frisco City Council held a public hearing to join several neighboring cities in allowing brewpubs within city limits.

"Food and beverage are becoming entertainment. And today, in today's society, the ability to provide locations like this are tantamount to providing entertainment. And I think we've seen that just across the street in some of our other neighboring cities, so I think it's fantastic we're beginning to allow innovation and entertainment just like this,” said council member Will Sowell.

During its 2018 work session in January, council asked city staff to review zoning changes that would allow brewpubs.

Following a public hearing in July, the city’s planning and zoning commission unanimously approved the change.

It’s one that’s welcome by Union Bear, a brewpub which sits within a stone’s throw of Frisco just across the tollway.

“There was a point we talked about building in Frisco, and I didn’t even realize this was a law that wasn’t on the books,” said operating partner Tanner Fleming.

Fleming says there’s been a resurgence in the brewpub industry as the craft beer business, which swelled to 26 billion dollars last year.

“A few of the things that affect beer are oxygen and light. You’re kind of mitigating that effect on your beer by having it in house brewed here drank here,” said Fleming.

He believes a business across city lines which does the same could only help business.

“Anytime you have this kind of culture you need more to sustain it so we welcome neighbors and more to the party,” said Fleming.

Following Tuesday's public hearing, city staff will prepare an ordinance before council can hold a final vote.

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