
Firefighters Hope β€˜Operation Installation' Helps Prevent Fires

Fire departments across North Texas are urging everyone to check their smoke detectors. It's the first line of defense in fire prevention.

Hours after Arlington firefighters went door to door issuing fire safety reminders, a home on South Fielder Road was reduced to ashes Tuesday afternoon.

"When we were on scene, there was a large amount a fire coming from the garage and the roof, and then we made an interior attack," said Lt. David Tyler, with the Arlington Fire Department.

It turns out, the family had no working smoke alarms.

Tyler says little could be salvaged, and by the time they were notified the home was engulfed in flames, which is why prevention is key.

Around the time Arlington got the call, Senior Dallas Fire Prevention Officer Anthony Jacobs was making the rounds. With his operation installation kit in tow, he got right to work in Josepha Torres' East Dallas home. There was only one smoke detector in the home and it wasn't working. Jacobs installed two more.

"It was mainly cost that kept her from getting a smoke detector, and that's heartbreaking," Jacobs said.

"It costs a lot of money. We can't afford to buy three of them," said Torres.

But Jacobs said the right time to get a working smoke detector is right now.

"Today is the day," Jacobs said.

Fortunately, the Arlington family of four saw the flames and got out of the South Fielder home safely, but firefighters say a working smoke detector could have prevented the total loss.

"We never like to see people lose their property, especially in a house fire, especially around Christmas time. It just makes it that much worse," Tyler said.

The cause of the fire in Arlington remains under investigation.

Firefighters say the best piece of advice is to check your smoke detectors. If you're in Dallas and need a smoke detector, call 311, otherwise call your local department.

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